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September 13, 2024

Defensive Driving: The Impact for High-Net-Worth Families

Every day, over 1,000 people in the United States sustain injuries in car crashes involving distracted drivers. Given the high rate of accidents and their impact on your insurance rate, it is crucial that drivers practice defensive driving techniques when on the roadways.


  • Defensive driving is a choice that prevents accidents
  • Tools and technology are available to assist with defensive driving
  • Benefits of defensive driving may include lower insurance premiums

Being aware of potential hazards on the road and taking proactive measures helps prevent accidents. Defensive driving saves lives and also reduces legal and financial risks, resulting in potentially lower auto insurance premiums.

The choices you make while driving

$1.8 million awarded

  • Participant and claimant were traveling opposite directions on a one lane road when they approached an intersection with a green light
  • The participant made a left turn and the vehicles collided
  • The driver and passenger in the claimant vehicle were both severely injured
  • Each claimant received a $900,000 settlement costing the participant $1.8 million

Every time you get behind the wheel, you decide how you will navigate the road. You choose how you arrive at your destination. Factors along the way can impact your attitude and demeanor, so keep these tips recommended in defensive driving courses in mind:

  • Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or any other impairing substance under any circumstances. Call a cab or request an Uber/Lyft. Your car will be there in the morning, and everyone will be safer for it. 

  • Check your mirrors, not just your rear-view mirror but your side mirrors every 5-10 seconds depending on traffic conditions. 

  • If you miss your turn, avoid making aggressive maneuvers or cutting across lanes. Instead, continue driving until you find a safe place to turn around.  

  • If someone cuts you off, swerves towards you, or you are the victim of road rage, try to remain calm. Take a few deep breaths, back up slowly away from their car and let them pass. It’s not worth getting angry or upset. 

  • If you see someone driving erratically down the road, or weaving across lanes, keep your distance from them.

  • If you live in a state that utilizes flashing yellow turn arrows at intersections – approach these with caution. You do NOT have the right of way at these lights. Before proceeding, make sure the intersection is completely free of cars by yielding until it is safe to proceed. 

  • When lost, find a safe place to pull over and stop. Then use your GPS or ask for directions to guide you to your destination. Avoid trying to look at a map or setting up your GPS while you are driving.  

  • If inclement weather is in the forecast, consider if the trip is necessary or make it at another time.

  • Maintain a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. Use an object, like a sign or a tree and count 2-3 seconds between when the car in front of you passes the sign to when you approach the sign. 

  • Newer cars often have a sensor that displays a green indicator when there is a safe distance between your vehicle and the one ahead. Orange means you are a bit too close, and you should slow down slightly to allow for more space between vehicles. 

  • Come to a complete stop at all stop signs. Look in all directions for cars, pedestrians, bikes, and other motorized vehicles before proceeding through the intersection.  

  • Stop at all red lights at the solid white line, before the pedestrian crosswalk lines. If you are turning, look out for pedestrians in the crosswalk (who have right of way), bikes, scooters, and other motorized vehicles. Once the light turns green, wait a moment, and then proceed slowly at first through the intersection picking up speed gradually. You want to watch out for distracted drivers or drivers who are blatantly running a red light. 

The benefits of defensive driving

  1. It enhances safety on the road, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Plus, you can safeguard your assets and investments, as accidents can lead to significant financial losses. 

  2. You can experience lower insurance premiums. Many insurance providers frequently extend discounts to drivers who exhibit safe driving behaviors. Some carriers have apps to help monitor driving habits which may save you money. Conversely, at-fault accidents typically result in surcharges and increased premiums.

  3. And finally, defensive driving minimizes legal and financial risks by ensuring compliance with traffic laws and regulations.

Technology and tools for defensive driving

Advancements in technology have introduced various tools to assist in defensive driving:

  • Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) provide features like collision warning and automaticv emergency braking, enhancing safety on the road.

  • Vehicle tracking systems known as telematics devices offer real-time monitoring of driving behavior, allowing drivers to identify areas for improvement.

  • Mobile apps designed for safe driving can provide valuable information and reminders to promote responsible driving.

Also consider turning on in-car safety features and technologies such as land departure warning systems and blind-spot detection, as these tools further enhance defensive driving practices. Even with this technological help, you remain the most important factor in defensive driving.

Legal and insurance considerations

Youthful driver

  • Participant was a passenger with their teen driver, who had their learner's permit, operating the vehicle
  • The youthful driver was pulling into a parking space when they panicked and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake
  • Participant's vehicle traveled over a concrete parking stop and hit the claimant pedestrian resulting in severe injuries for the claimant

Defensive driving is important for everyone. When you make safety a priority, you can safeguard yourself, your family, and your valuable assets. Advanced driving skills, technology tools, and legal considerations all contribute to a thorough approach to defensive driving. 

It is important to review and select appropriate insurance plans that provide adequate protection in case of accidents. You should always adhere to legal requirements and regulations. Seeking legal advice in such situations can provide guidance and support. 

When considering protection for you and your family, partnering with an experienced and trusted insurance advisor is important. With their expertise in risk assessment and customized insurance solutions, including a personal excess liability policy with suitable limits, they provide comprehensive protection for all your valued assets. Having the right solutions and dedicated insurance advisor by your side allows you to confidently protect your loved ones and maintain your desired lifestyle.

Schedule an insurance review with a Personal Risk Advisor to ensure you have proper insurance protection.

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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) -
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) -
American Automobile Association (AAA) -
National Safety Council (NSC) -
Smith System Driver Improvement Institute, Inc.
