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Impacted by wildfires or winter weather? Whether you have a business that's been affected or your personal home and assets are damaged, know that you have a team of people to support you. Find resources here.

Health care, empowered.

Unleash the healing power of insurance expertise. From the ever-shifting health care landscape to lurking cyber threats, Marsh McLennan Agency has your back. Let our health care experts help you cure your insurance worries.

Experience counts, count us in.

Our team is well-versed in the intricate workings of health care, providing data-driven insights and tailored solutions for your business insurance, employee health and benefits, and retirement and wealth goals. Whether you're in the business of saving lives or pioneering medical breakthroughs, we'll be your trusted partners on this journey.


health care clients served globally.


in value of insurance policies placed for health care clients.


health care specialists available at the click of a button.

Meet a health care specialist.

Absence, disability, and leave report

See how your absence, disability, and leave benefits rank against others in the health care industry.