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Well-being Foundations Playbook Step 1: Evaluate Needs and Interests

Before structuring your program, take the time to evaluate the well-being needs of your organization and the specific interests of your employees.

Below are suggestions to get the evaluation process started.

  • Review carrier utilization report/data analysis to understand the current health of your population.
  • Review biometric screening results if applicable.
  • Review health risk assessment aggregate data if applicable.
  • Gather data around employee interests by conducting an interest survey; work with your local Marsh McLennan Agency team for sample interests surveys.
  • Document existing programs and resources (homegrown, carrier-based, etc.).
  • Conduct a current state analysis. Review the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of your current health and well-being initiatives.

Current state analysis guide 

What’s working well? Which programs, resources, and initiatives do employees and spouses enjoy?

What approaches are not working well or may need refreshing? What resources are lacking?

What gaps exist in current programs, resources, and strategies?

What factors might inhibit improvement or implementation of expanded resources?

You can also take a look at available information about other organizations’ well-being programs. The HERO scorecard and the CDC’s Worksite Health Scorecard are both resources to benchmark your current program against others to identify program gaps. 

Other resources to evaluate needs and interests:

Collecting Meaningful Data to Evolve Wellness Strategy, WELCOA paid membership

Workplace Health Assessment, CDC