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Protecting your cargo throughout its journey is important. 

Marsh McLennan Agency focuses on providing comprehensive insurance solutions that keep your business running, and protect your goods in storage or in transit. Let us help you navigate through the dangers your business may face on the way to its' destination.

Benefits of Cargo Insurance

All industries have requirements for cargo insurance. And there are specific exposures in supply chain risks associated with worldwide trade by sea, land, overland transit, and while in storage. Partner with us to address your cargo needs.

  • Program design expertise backed by worldwide market intelligence
  • Claims advocacy
  • Eliminate potential coverage gaps for raw material, work in progress, finished stock during transit, and storage, as well as gaps between property, ocean marine, and motor truck cargo policies
  • Address complex supply chain challenges

Cargo Insurance Coverage

No matter what goods you store or transport, your business is at risk of cargo threats that affect supply chains from country to country. To understand the dangers your business may encounter, experts can help recognize the ongoing factors involved.

Cargo Stock Throughput (STP)

An STP has three insurance components: 1) ocean cargo, 2) inland transit, and 3) property or storage. STP offers end-to-end coverage for your global supply chain, including raw materials, storage, and transit, to minimize gaps and duplications.

Motor truck cargo

It is important to take measures to safeguard your property while transporting it using your company-provided mode of transportation.

Inland marine

Financially protect your property during land transportation. Coverage includes equipment, products, parts, materials, construction-related property, and property in your care, custody, and control.

Ocean marine

Ocean marine insurance helps safeguard goods and merchandise on shipping vessels in transit, domestically or internationally. Marine and non-marine coverage for operations includes services suppliers, transportation and construction, and cargo.

Fine arts, collectibles & jewelers’ block

Specie insurance protects precious and high-value property, held on premises or in transit, against physical loss and damage.

Supply chain disruptions

We help identify potential supply chain disruptors—both direct and indirect. These include your owned operations and partners within your extended supply chain.

Meet Matt, a cargo specialist.

Matthew Wright

Executive Vice President, Regional Property and Cargo Leader
Johns Creek, GA

Meet a cargo specialist.

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