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We can help you break down every component of your total cost of risk, identifying and prioritizing cost-reduction opportunities to make the most of your casualty program.

Since casualty insurance covers such a broad set of losses and liability risks, it’s no wonder it’s one of the primary drivers of total cost of risk. The pressure on organizations to improve their management of casualty-related risks has risen over the past year as rates for most coverage lines continue to increase, and pandemic experiences have led to policy exclusions. Given these pressures, building an appropriate and effective casualty program requires data-backed risk insights specific to your industry and organization, along with specialist knowledge of policies and markets.

Casualty Coverage

Risk is everywhere. We’ll help you manage it.

Risk Consulting

It’s more critical than ever for business leaders to manage risk holistically using a combination of innovative strategies, solutions, and expertise. The support of our risk consulting specialists could be key to your success.

Claims Management

Our experienced claims advocacy team puts claims management best practices, such as data analytics, into play as part of your total risk management plan.

Risk Analytics

Through data, analytics, and technology, executives can take a holistic, anticipatory approach to risk that informs strategic decisions and aligns with corporate objectives.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance provides coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, and more in the event of an on-the-job injury or death.

Meet Danae, a casualty risk specialist.

Danae Carney

SBU Account Manager - Team Lead
Clearwater, FL

Meet a casualty specialist.

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