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Financial Well-being

Promote a total health approach to employee well-being and reduce healthcare expenses by adding financial education and guidance to your organization's wellness offerings.

Employees have growing concerns over their financial future—and financial stress impacts employee productivity. Recent studies have shown that your employees want your help when it comes to financial education. To help you support your workforce, Marsh McLennan Agency now offers financial education and guidance services.



of those saving for retirement say they will likely need to access their retirement savings for expenses prior to retirement.



of employees report being attracted to other companies that care most about their financial well-being.



of employees use the financial wellness services their employers provide.

(Source: PWC Employee Financial Wellness Survey, 2021)

Benefits of Financial Well-being

Delivering a financial well-being program to your employees can have many positive impacts.


  • Lower absenteeism
  • Improved employee productivity 
  • Increased ability to attract and retain talent
  • Increased employee satisfaction and engagement
  • Helps employees maximize the benefits program
  • Reduced healthcare expenses



“Employers have achieved an average ROI of $3 for every $1 invested in a financial well-being program.”

Source: Retirement Advisor

Financial Well-being Coverage

Take your employees’ prosperity from concept to reality. Marsh McLennan Agency’s financial well-being education and guidance includes a variety of comprehensive services designed to grow wealth step by step.

Virtual 1:1 employee to financial coach consultations

Provide your team with unlimited, on-demand coaching with a fiduciary advisor to review their financial goals and challenges and develop a personal plan.

Monthly webinar series

Stay on top of the latest information on topics affecting your business and your employees like HSA/HRAs, market updates, Social Security, debt management, and more.

Employee financial well-being engagement certification program

Drive employee engagement and ensure your return on investment (ROI) for the financial well-being program.

Interactive financial well-being website

View our award-winning website with access to videos, articles, educational courses, webinars, budgeting tools, calculators, virtual 1:1 scheduling tool, and more.

Personalized assessment tools

Empower your employees with access to financial well-being self-assessments, money personality behavioral analyses, and personalized action plans.

Student loan benefit solution

Help your employees manage their student debt and implement student loan debt assistance.

Meet Winfred, a retirement specialist.

Winfred Boyce Jr.

Associate Director, Financial Wellness
Greensboro, NC

Meet a financial well-being specialist.

Featured Events

Click here to view our Form ADV Part 2A Brochure for Services to Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans.

Click here to view our Form ADV Part 2A Brochure for MMA Prosper WiseSM Services.

Click here to view our Form ADV Part 2A Brochure for Personalized Advisory Services.

We are providing this information to you in our capacity as financial professionals  with knowledge and experience in the insurance and securities industries, and not as legal or tax advice. The issues addressed may have legal or tax implications to you, and we recommend you speak with your legal counsel and/or tax advisor before choosing a course of action based on any of the information contained herein.

Changes to factual circumstances or to any rules or other guidance relied upon may affect the accuracy of the information provided. Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC is not obligated to provide updates on the information presented herein. This website is solely for informational purposes.

Securities and investment advisory services offered through MMA Securities LLC (MMA Securities), member FINRA / SIPC, and a federally registered investment adviser with its main office at 1166 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Phone: (212) 345-5000. Investment advisory services additionally offered through MMA Asset Management LLC, a federally registered investment adviser with its home office at Eight Tower Bridge, Suite 1200, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Phone; (610) 684-3200. Variable insurance products distributed by MMA Securities LLC, CA OK 81142. Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC, MMA Securities LLC, and MMA Asset Management LLC are affiliates owned by Marsh & McLennan Companies. Investment advisory services for MMA Prosper WiseSM are offered solely as a registered investment adviser through MMA Securities. Certain of the investment adviser representatives of both MMA Securities and MMA Asset Management LLC are additionally registered representatives of MMA Securities.

A copy of our written disclosure statement discussing our advisory services and fees is available for your review upon request. Please consult a tax professional for specific tax inquiries and recommendations. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where MMA Securities and/or MMA Asset Management, and its representatives, are properly licensed or are exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns and investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered unless a client agreement is in place.

d/b/a in California as Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC; CA Insurance Lic: 0H18131.

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